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Art in Granton 2019

A heritage walking tour hosted by the University of Edinburgh’s Curious Edinburgh digital app is the inspiration for the exhibition ‘Art in Granton’. More than 60 contributions by 30+ artists and makers celebrates the rich industrial history, the urban vistas, the landscapes, the shoreline and the people living and working in Granton. The variety of artworks on show include figurative and abstract work, photography, ceramics and an audiovisual installation. Viewers are invited to experience the walking tour through these artworks and enjoy and learn about Granton’s heritage. All artworks are for sale. Contributions from the local community and a digital print of a drawing of the demolished ‘Granton Castle’, donated by the National Galleries of Scotland, complete the show.

The exhibition opens on Friday 25 October at 5pm and continues on Saturday (10-6pm) and Sunday (11-5pm). During the weekend the new granton:hub cafe will be open for morning coffee and lunch.



Exhibitors are:

Maia Aitken – Anna Baran – Chris Belous – Amber Brown – Sandra Brown – Megan Chapman – Erin Colquhoun – John Dickson – Gina Fierlafijn Reddie – Cecile Grey – Jenny Haslam – Gareth Hutchison – Colin Lindsay – Harry Mafuji – Inga Mantle – Louise Montgomery – Nick Murray – Victor Nobis – Stuart W Ogilvie – Stephen Paterson – Catriona Patience – Anna V Phillips – Sheena Phillips – Damien Rose – Alexandrina Scarborough – Paulo Seara – Lesley Skeates – Henri Van der Elst – Paco Vazquez – Rosemary Walker


In addition, contributions from

National Galleries of Scotland – Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden – The Edinburgh Sketcher


Download the final programme and report.

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